Thursday, June 23, 2011

Start at the Beginning

Lewis Carroll wrote in Alice in Wonderland, “Begin at the beginning, and go on until you come to the end; then stop.” Unfortunately, I’m starting my blog around halfway into my time in Kenya, which makes starting at the beginning significantly more difficult. Now, I feel like I have to explain the blog/late starting time a bit more. I battled myself quite a bit on whether or not I wanted to start a blog. Normally, I hate travel blogs. They’re long, showcase entire days, and aren’t really that interesting to anyone who doesn’t know the writer personally. I don’t mean this as offense to my friends keeping blogs this summer. I love reading them, but this is mostly a factor of how much I love the writers. Any other travel blogs that I come across are immediately forgotten. After deciding not to add one more website to the blogosphere, one of the girls here suggested doing a cooking blog instead, and the idea just took hold of me.

My favorite quote never written comes from one of the Little Women movies. Jo advises “The first rule of writing… is never write what you know.” Since I’m only here for two months (this time, of course, but Kenya has a way of seizing your heart in the craziness of this country and seeping into your every thought, making a return rather inevitable), and my attempts at cooking are sometimes tasty and always full of mishaps, I have two whole things to write about that I don’t actually know! Double whammy!

And thus began Cooking Kenya. I’ll be posting recipes, a few stories (usually wrapped within the buttery covering of a recipe), some general updates (I’ll keep them short), quotes that move me, and observations that strike me. Eat up!